"겨울에 여름꽃을 심었다던 시인처럼, 마지막이 보여도 사과나무를 심겠다던 철학자처럼, 올해는 그렇게 한 줄기 희망의 마음을 심으며 살아가고 싶습니다." -by 당밤 https://www.literaryladiesguide.com/author-quotes/quotes-by-vita-sackville-west-on-gardens-and-gardening/ Quotes by Vita Sackville-West on Gardens and Gardening These quotes by British author Vita Sackville-West on gardens and gardening are wonderful metaphors for life itself. She was as known for creatin..
2021. 6. 15. 12:56